Weijie Su


  • Researcher, Shanghai AI Laboratory

Short Bio

Currently, Weijie Su is a Researcher at Shanghai AI Laboratory, headed by Prof. Jifeng Dai. He also works closely with Dr. Xizhou Zhu.

Weijie Su received Ph.D. degree from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in June 2024, under the supervision of Prof. Bin Li and Prof. Jifeng Dai. Before that, he received his B.S. degree from USTC in June 2019, majoring in Information and Computing Science (Computational Mathematics).

Research Interests  Multimodal Foundation Model; Pre-training / Representation Learning; Visual Recognition; General Capable Agents.

If you are interested in an internship at Shanghai AI Laboratory related to my research field, please send me an email.


2024.09     One paper got accepted by NeurIPS 2024. 2023.05     Introducing GITM, a generally capable agent that fully masters Minecraft. 2023.02     Our M3I Pre-training and SiameseIM are accepted by CVPR 2023. 2021.06     Presentation slides and video of our Deformable DETR on ICLR 2021 are available now. 2021.01     Deformable DETR is accepted for oral presentation by ICLR 2021. 2020.11     Code of Deformable DETR is now available at this github repository. 2020.05     Presentation slides and video of our VL-BERT on ICLR 2020 are available now. 2019.12     Our paper VL-BERT got accepted by ICLR 2020. 2019.11     Code for our paper VL-BERT has been made public available at github.




( Equal Contribution)